Person Re-identification using Deformable Patch Metric Learning


In this paper, we propose to learn appearance measures for patches that are combined using a spring model for addressing the correspondence problem.

March 7, 2016
IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2016



Slawomir Bak (Disney Research)

Peter Carr (Disney Research)


Person Re-identification using Deformable Patch Metric Learning


The methodology for finding the same individual in a network of cameras must deal with significant changes in appearance caused by variations in illumination, viewing angle and a person’s pose. Re-identification requires solving two fundamental problems: (1) determining a distance measure between features extracted from different cameras that copes with illumination changes (metric learning); and (2) ensuring that matched features refer to the same body part (correspondence). Most metric learning approaches focus on finding a robust distance measure between bounding box images, neglecting the alignment aspects. In this paper, we propose to learn appearance measures for patches that are combined using a spring model for addressing the correspondence problem. We validated our approach on the VIPeR, i-LIDS and CUHK01 datasets achieving new state of the art performance.

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