Robust Treatment of Simultaneous Collisions
We present a fail-safe that cancels impact but not sliding motion, considerably reducing artificial dissipation.
August 11, 2008
David Harmon (Columbia University)
Etienne Vouga (Columbia University)
Rasmus Tamstorf (Walt Disney Animation Studios)
Eitan Grinspun (Columbia University)
Robust treatment of complex collisions is a challenging problem in cloth simulation. Some state of the art methods resolves collisions iteratively, invoking a fail-safe when a bound on iteration count is exceeded. The best-known fail-safe rigidifies the contact region, causing simulation artifacts. We present a fail-safe that cancels impact but not sliding motion, considerably reducing artificial dissipation. We equip the proposed fail-safe with an approximation of Coulomb friction, allowing finer control of sliding dissipation.

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