
Continuing a legacy of innovation

DisneyResearch|Studios combines the best of academia and industry, by doing fundamental and application-driven research. We publish our work and actively engage with the global research community. Our research applications and technology are experienced by millions of people. We honor Walt Disney’s legacy by deploying our innovations on a global scale.

Our Research Areas

Machine Learning

Probabilistic modeling & deep learning.

Visual Computing

Computer Graphics and Computer Vision.

Latest Publications

Neural Denoising for Deep-Z Monte Carlo Renderings

April 20, 2024
Eurographics (2024)

Xianyao Zhang (DisneyResearch|Studios / ETH Zürich) 
Gerhard Röthlin (DisneyResearch|Studios)
Shilin Zhu (Pixar Animation Studios)
Tunç Ozan Aydın (DisneyResearch|Studios)
Farnood Salehi (DisneyResearch|Studios)
Markus Gross (DisneyResearch|Studios / ETH Zürich)
Marios Papas (DisneyResearch|Studios)

DiVAS: Video and Audio Synchronization with Dynamic Frame Rates

June 17, 2024
CVPR (2024)

Clara Fernandez-Labrador (DisneyResearch|Studios)
Mertcan Akçay (DisneyResearch|Studios / ETH Zurich)
Eitan Abecassis (Disney Entertainment and ESPN Technology)
Joan Massich (DisneyResearch|Studios)
Christopher Schroers  (DisneyResearch|Studios)