3D-TV RnD Activities in Europe
Through the research frameworks of the European Commission, in particular, a number of long-term issues have been addressed to overcome limitations of the traditional two-view stereoscopy.
June 1, 2011
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting 2011
Oliver Grau (BBC)
Thierry Borel (Technicolor)
Peter Kauff (Fraunhofer HHI)
Aljoscha Smolic (Disney Research)
Ralf Tanger (Fraunhofer HHI)
3D-TV RnD Activities in Europe
3D-TV is a topic that has been studied for many years in Europe. Through the research frameworks of the European Commission, in particular, a number of long-term issues have been addressed to overcome limitations of the traditional two-view stereoscopy. This article gives a brief overview of the goals and achievements of some completed European projects starting in the 1990s. It then reviews the topics related to 3D-TV in recent European research. Finally, an overview with a selection of recent projects is presented.

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