Efficient Image Resampling for Multiview Displays
We present an evaluation of different resampling strategies for autostereoscopic multiview displays.
May 27, 2013
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2013
Michael Schaffner (Disney Research/ETH Joint PhD)
Pierre Greisen (Disney Research/ETH Joint PhD)
Simon Heinzle (Disney Research)
Aljoscha Smolic (Disney Research)
Efficient Image Resampling for Multiview Displays
We present an evaluation of different resampling strategies for autostereoscopic multiview displays. In particular, we compare the computational efficiency, memory requirements, and image quality of different resampling algorithms with focus on real-time architectures. Our assessment shows large differences in computational complexity for similar image quality and aims at providing a recommendation for selecting a suitable resampling strategy.

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