(In)visible Light Communication: Combining Illumination and Communication
Communication with light enables a true “Internet of Everything.”
July 27, 2014
ACM SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies 2014
Stefan Schmid (Disney Research/ETH Joint PhD)
Josef Ziegler (Disney Research/ETH Joint Semester Thesis)
Thomas Gross (ETH Zurich)
Manuela Hitz (Disney Research)
Afroditi Psarra (Disney Research)
Giorgio Corbellini (Disney Research)
Stefan Mangold (Disney Research)
(In)visible Light Communication: Combining Illumination and Communication
Consumer devices transform into interactive communication interfaces when visible light is used to transmit data.
At home, during work or leisure time, light bulbs, toys, or other electronics and accessories can be used as environmental sensors, and act as user interfaces based on their location, play pattern, or other context provided by the Internet. Communication with light enables a true “Internet of Everything.”

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