The Robot Who Knew Too Much: Toward Understanding the Privacy/Personalization Trade-off in Child-Robot Conversation
We explore what happens in the increasingly likely situation that a robot has sensed information about a child of which the child is unaware, then discloses that information in conversation in an effort to personalize the child’s experience.
June 21, 2016
Interaction Design and Children (IDC) 2016
Iolanda Leite (Disney Research)
Jill Fain Lehman (Disney Research)

The Robot Who Knew Too Much: Toward Understanding the Privacy/Personalization Trade-off in Child-Robot Conversation
In human-human conversation we elicit, share and use information as a way of defining and building relationships – how information is revealed, and by whom, matters. A similar goal of using conversation as a relationship-building mechanism in human-robot interaction might or might not require the same degree of nuance. We explore what happens in the increasingly likely situation that a robot has sensed information about a child of which the child is unaware, then discloses that information in conversation in an effort to personalize the child’s experience. In a pilot study, 28 children conversed with a social robot that either told a story with characters already introduced into the conversation by the child (control) or characters hidden by the child in a treasure chest the child was holding (experimental). Cumulative evidence showed that all participants in the experimental condition noticed the robot’s violation of expectations, but younger children (4 to 6 years) exhibited more contained emotional reactions than older children (7 to 10 years), and girls expressed more negative affect than boys. Despite the immediate response, post-conversation measures suggest that the single event did not have an impact on children’s ratings of robot likeability or their willingness to interact with the robot again.