Perspective Correct Occlusion-Capable Augmented Reality Displays using Cloaking Optics Constraints
We design and demonstrate a four-lens folded optical cloak and a three-lens inverted cloak with an erecting prism.
May 22, 2017
Society for Information Display (SID) 2017
Quinn Smithwick (Disney Research)
Isella Howlett (Disney Research)
Perspective-correct occlusion-capable augmented reality displays are generalized using an optical cloak constraint for ray transfer analysis or simulations; any ray entering the optical system exits at the height and angle as if it passed through empty space. We analyze several systems with two-lens, three-lens, and four-lens looped groups in inline, folded, and looped configurations. We design and demonstrate a four-lens folded optical cloak and a three-lens inverted cloak with an erecting prism.

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