Recent Advances in Projection Mapping Algorithms,Hardware and Applications
This State-of-the-Art-Report covers the recent advances in research fields related to projection mapping applications.
April 16, 2018
Eurographics 2018
Anselm Grundhöfer (Disney Research)
Daisuke Iwai (Osaka University)
Recent Advances in Projection Mapping Algorithms,Hardware and Applications
We summarize the novel enhancements to simplify the 3D geometric calibration task which now can be reliably carried out either interactively or fully automated using adapted self-calibration methods. Furthermore, improvements regarding radiometric calibration and compensation as well as the neutralization of global illumination effects are summarized. We then introduce computational display approaches to overcome technical limitations of current projection hardware in terms of dynamic range, refresh rate, spatial resolution, depth-of-field, view dependency, and color space. These technologies contribute towards creating new application domains related to projection-based spatial augmentations. We summarize these emerging applications, and discuss new directions for industries.