Graph-Based Synthesis for Skin Micro Wrinkles
We present a novel graph-based simulation approach for generating micro wrinkle geometry on human skin, which can easily scale up to the micro-meter range and millions of wrinkles.
July 3, 2023
Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing (2023)
Sebastian Weiss (DisneyResearch|Studios)
Jonathan Moulin (Industrial Light & Magic)
Prashanth Chandran (DisneyResearch|Studios)
Gaspard Zoss (DisneyResearch|Studios)
Paulo Gotardo (DisneyResearch|Studios)
Derek Bradley(DisneyResearch|Studios)

Graph-Based Synthesis for Skin Micro Wrinkles
We present a novel graph-based simulation approach for generating micro wrinkle geometry on human skin, which can easily scale up to the micro-meter range and millions of wrinkles. The simulation first samples pores on the skin and treats them as nodes in a graph. These nodes are then connected and the resulting edges become candidate wrinkles. An iterative optimization inspired by pedestrian trail formation is then used to assign weights to those edges, i.e., to carve out the wrinkles. Finally, we convert the graph to a detailed skin displacement map using novel shape functions implemented in graphics shaders. Our simulation and displacement map creation steps expose fine controls over the appearance at real-time framerates suitable for interactive exploration and design. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the generated wrinkles by enhancing state-of-art 3D reconstructions of real human subjects with simulated micro wrinkles, and furthermore propose an artist-driven design flow for adding micro wrinkles to fictional characters.