by Martina Megaro | Nov 8, 2018 | Animation, AR/VR, Story Technology, Visual Computing
PuppetPhone: Puppeteering Virtual Characters Using a Smartphone We propose a new interaction metaphor that reduces the gap between physical toys and virtual characters. November 8, 2018Conference on Motion, Interaction and Games Authors Raphael Anderegg (Disney...
by Martina Megaro | Nov 5, 2018 | AR/VR, Machine Learning, Story Technology
PICA:Proactive Intelligent Conversational Agent for Interactive Narrative We developed PICA: a proactive intelligent conversational agent for interactive narratives that can guide users through such experiences. November 5, 2018International Conference on...
by Martina Megaro | Oct 30, 2018 | AR/VR, Visual Computing
AR Costumes: Automatically Augmenting Watertight Costumes from a single RGB Image We present a practical solution to these artifacts which requires minimal costume parameterization work, and a straightforward inpainting approach. Ocotber 30, 2018International...
by Martina Megaro | Oct 14, 2018 | Robotics, VFX, Wireless Communication and Ubiquitous Computing
Designing Groundless Body Channel Communication Systems: Performance and Implications We present a comprehensive empirical study on the channel characteristics of BCC systems. October 14, 2018ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (ACM UIST) 2018...
by Martina Megaro | Oct 2, 2018 | Robotics, Visual Computing
PaintCopter: An Autonomous UAV for Spray Painting on 3D Surfaces This paper describes a system for autonomous spray painting using a UAV, suitable for industrial applications. October 2, 2018IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) 2018 Authors Anurag...