by Sarah Frigg | Aug 26, 2016 | Robotics
Imitating Human Movement with Teleoperated Robotic Head We develop a controller for realizing smooth and accurate motion of a robotic head with application to a teleoperation system for the Furhat robot head. August 26, 2016International Symposium on Robot and Human...
by Martina Megaro | Jul 20, 2016 | Visual Computing, Wireless Communication and Ubiquitous Computing
Automultiscopic displays based on orbital angular momentum of light We propose and demonstrate the viability of using OAM to create an automultiscopic 3D display. July 20, 2016Journal of Optics 2016 Authors Li Xuefeng (University of Cambridge) Jiaqi Chu...
by Martina Megaro | Mar 17, 2016 | Visual Computing, Visual Display Technology
A coarse integral holography approach for real 3D colour video display We have developed a dynamic coarse integral holography approach using opto-mechanical scanning, coarse integral optics and a low space-bandwidth-product high-bandwidth spatial light modulator to...