Visual Computing

We strive to improve Disney’s production pipelines and creative processes, expanding the designer’s toolbox in terms of rendering, animation, capture, stylization, interaction, and efficiency. Our technology allows designers to tell their story. We also develop algorithms to better understand our audiences and create new modes of interaction.

Latest Publications

Skel-inbetweening for Intuitive Neural Motion Authoring

November 11, 2024
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia (2024)

Dhruv Agrawal (DisneyResearch|Studios/ETH Joint PhD)
Jakcob Buhmann (DisneyResearch|Studios)
Dominik Borer (DisneyResearch|Studios)
Robert W. Sumner (DisneyResearch|Studios/ETH Zurich)
Martin Guay (DisneyResearch|Studios)

Lossy Image Compression with Foundation Diffusion Models

September 28, 2024
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) (2024)

Lucas Relic (DisneyResearch|Studios/ETH Zurich)
Roberto Azevedo (DisneyResearch|Studios)
Markus Gross (DisneyResearch|Studios/ETH Zurich)
Christopher Schroers  (DisneyResearch|Studios)