Wireless Networking for Automated Live Video Broadcasting
We present a networking architecture for wirelessly connected cameras and discuss research challenges and potential solutions.
June 20, 2011
IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM) 2011
Domenico Giustiniano (Disney Research)
Vladimir Vukadinovic (Disney Research)
Stefan Mangold (Disney Research)
Wireless Networking for Automated Live Video Broadcasting
The majority of sports events are of interest only to a relatively small group of viewers, such as college and regional league competitions. The broadcasting of these sports events is often not economically viable because of the required installation/cabling and the need for an on-site crew for the content production. An automated or semi-automated broadcast system with multiple cameras would potentially enable a significant cost reduction. This contribution analyzes to what extent wireless technology simplifies the deployment and reduce the cost of such automated multi-camera systems. We present a networking architecture for wirelessly connected cameras and discuss research challenges and potential solutions. A particular emphasis is given on how emerging wireless technologies can be exploited towards this path and on mechanisms that could be used to relax the system requirements.