Practical Non-linear Photometric Projector Compensation
We propose a novel approach to generate a high quality photometric compensated projection which, to our knowledge, is the first one, which does not require a radiometrical pre-calibration of cameras or projectors.
June 28, 2013
IEEE International Workshop on Computational Cameras and Displays (CCD/PROCAMS) 2013
Anselm Grundhöfer (Disney Research)
Practical Non-linear Photometric Projector Compensation
We propose a novel approach to generate a high quality photometric compensated projection which, to our knowledge, is the first one, which does not require a radiometrical pre-calibration of cameras or projectors. This improves the compensation quality using devices which cannot be easily linearized, such as single chip DLP projectors with complex color processing. In addition, the simple workflow significantly simplifies the compensation image generation. Our approach consists of a sparse sampling of the projector’s color gamut and a scattered data interpolation to generate the per-pixel mapping from projector to camera colors in real-time. To avoid out-of-gamut artifacts, the input image is automatically scaled locally in an optional off-line optimization step maximizing the achievable luminance and contrast while still preserving smooth input gradients without significant clipping errors.