A Computational Model for Perception of Stereoscopic Window Violations
This paper investigates stereoscopic window violation artifacts, which often interfere with artistic freedom and constrain the comfortable depth volume.
May 26, 2015
International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2015) 2015
Steven Poulakos (Disney Research/ETH Zürich)
Rafael Monroy (Fraunhofer IGD)
Tunc Aydin (Disney Research)
Oliver Wang (Disney Research)
Aljoscha Smolic (Disney Research)
Markus Gross (Disney Research/ETH Zürich)
A Computational Model for Perception of Stereoscopic Window Violations
Creating a computational model for stereoscopic 3D perception is a highly complex undertaking. As one step towards this goal, this paper investigates stereoscopic window violation artifacts, which often interfere with artistic freedom and constrain the comfortable depth volume. Window violations need to be compensated for in most 3D feature movies. Currently, this is done in an ad-hoc manner due to a limited understanding of the problem. In this work, we present a model predicting problematic window violations that are visually disturbing. The model parameters were defined through psychophysical experiments on simple stimuli. Then the model was calibrated and validated on real, complex stereoscopic images. Finally, we present a system to provide visualization of problematic stereoscopic window violations as well as details for how to correct them.