Rapid One-Shot Acquisition of Dynamic VR Avatars
We present a system for rapid acquisition of bespoke, animatable, full-body avatars including face texture and shape.
March 18, 2017
IEEE Virtual Reality 2017
Charles Malleson (Disney Research)
Maggie Kosek (Disney Research/Edinburgh Napier University)
Martin Klaudiny (Disney Research)
Ivan Huerta (Disney Research)
Jean-Charles Bazin (Disney Research)
Alexander Sorkine-Hornung (Disney Research)
Mark Mine (Walt Disney Imagineering,)
Kenny Mitchell (Disney Research/Edinburgh Napier University)
Rapid One-Shot Acquisition of Dynamic VR Avatars
A blendshape rig with a skeleton is used as a template for customization. Identity blendshapes are used to customize the body and face shape at the fitting stage, while animation blendshapes allow the face to be animated. The subject assumes a T-pose and a single snapshot is captured using a stereo RGB plus depth sensor rig. Our system automatically aligns a photo texture and fits the 3D shape of the face. The body shape is stylized according to body dimensions estimated from segmented depth. The face identity blendweights are optimised according to image-based facial landmarks, while a custom texture map for the face is generated by warping the input images to a reference texture according to the facial landmarks. The total capture and processing time is under 10~seconds and the output is a light-weight, game-ready avatar which is recognizable as the subject. We demonstrate our system in a VR environment in which each user sees the other users’ animated avatars through an HMD with real-time audio-based facial animation and live body motion tracking, affording an enhanced level of presence and social engagement compared to generic avatars.