Interacting with Intelligent Characters in AR
In this paper, we explore interacting with virtual characters in AR along real-world environments.
November 15, 2017
Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Meets Virtual and Augmented Worlds (AIVRAR) 2017
Gokçen Çimen (ETH Zurich)
Ye Yuan (Carnegie Mellon University)
Robert W. Sumner (Disney Research)
Stelian Coros (ETH Zurich)
Martin Guay (Disney Research)
Interacting with Intelligent Characters in AR
Our vision is that virtual characters will be able to understand the real-world environment and interact in an intelligent and realistic manner with it. For example, a character can walk around un-even stairs and slopes, or be pushed away by collisions with real-world objects like a ball. We describe how to automatically animate a new character, and imbue it’s motion with adaption to environments and reactions to perturbations from the real world.

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