Single-Shot High-Quality Facial Geometry and Skin Appearance Capture
We propose a new light-weight face capture system capable of reconstructing both high-quality geometry and detailed appearance maps from a single exposure.
August 14, 2020
ACM Siggraph 2020
Jeremy Riviere (DisneyResearch|Studios)
Paulo Gotardo (DisneyResearch|Studios)
Derek Bradley (DisneyResearch|Studios)
Abhijeet Ghosh (Imperial College London)
Thabo Beeler (DisneyResearch|Studios)

Single-Shot High-Quality Facial Geometry and Skin Appearance Capture
We propose a new light-weight face capture system capable of reconstructing both high-quality geometry and detailed appearance maps from a single exposure. Unlike currently employed appearance acquisition systems, the proposed technology does not require active illumination and hence can readily be integrated with passive photogrammetry solutions. The proposed algorithm leverages images captured under two different polarization states to reconstruct the geometry and to recover appearance properties. We do so by means of an inverse rendering framework, which solves per-texel diffuse albedo, specular intensity, and high-resolution normals, as well as global specular roughness considering the subsurface scattering nature of skin.