Loïc Ciccone

Loïc Ciccone

Loïc CicconeResearch Area: VFXI have always been passionate about the mix between art and technology required by animation and visual effects. This passion led me to a PhD at the Computer Graphics Laboratory of ETH Zürich, where I focused on the creation of intuitive...
Irene Baeza

Irene Baeza

Irene BaezaResearch Area: VFXI joined the VFX group of DisneyResearch|Studios in February 2020, while I was finishing my PhD at the Computer Graphics Laboratory of ETH Zürich.I received my B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya...
Mattia Ryffel

Mattia Ryffel

Mattia RyffelResearch Areas: AnimationI’m involved in the research and development of augmented reality application prototypes but I also support the software development of other projects within the animation group. My main contribution is the Augmented...