by Sarah Frigg | May 3, 2016 | Uncategorized
High-Q and Over-Coupled Tuning for Near-Field RFID Systems This work will show both theoretically and through experimentation that using high Q coils in the over-coupled regime supports extension of read range in near field RFID systems by 81% or more compared to...
by Sarah Frigg | Apr 2, 2016 | Wireless Communication and Ubiquitous Computing
An Energy-interference-free Hardware-Software Debugger for Intermittent Energy-harvesting Systems We propose the Energy-interference-free Debugger, a hardware and software platform for energy-interference-free monitoring and debugging of intermittent systems. April...
by Martina Megaro | Mar 17, 2016 | Visual Computing, Visual Display Technology
A coarse integral holography approach for real 3D colour video display We have developed a dynamic coarse integral holography approach using opto-mechanical scanning, coarse integral optics and a low space-bandwidth-product high-bandwidth spatial light modulator to...
by Martina Megaro | Feb 26, 2016 | Video Processing, Visual Computing
Trending Paths: A Metric for Evaluating Crowd Simulation We propose a new approach based on finding latent Path Patterns in both real and simulated data in order to analyze and compare them. February 26, 2016ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and...
by Martina Megaro | Sep 7, 2015 | Animation, Visual Computing
Sackcloth or Silk? The Impact of Appearance vs Dynamics on the Perception of Animated Cloth In this paper, we present a set of experiments in which we explore some factors that contribute to the perception of cloth, to determine how efficiency could be improved...